shi gao 48 zhi mu 18 geng mi 12 zhi gan cao 6 ren shen 9
When after taking gui zhi tang a great sweat has issued, there is great vexation and thirst, and the disease is unresolved and the pulse is surging and large, bai hu jia ren shen tang governs.
When tai yang is struck by heat, it is summer heat. When there is sweating and aversion to cold, with body heat and thirst, bai hu jia ren shen tang governs.
Aversion to cold is key for summer heat because a bai hu tang pattern is normally with aversion to heat.
For thirst with a desire to drink, with a dry mouth and tongue, bai hu jia ren shen tang governs.
This is an obvious version of bai hu tang with ren shen. It treats a yang ming pattern with excessive dryness.
Shi gao, Gypsum is pungent dispersing of heat in the stomach domain and lung. It is sweet nourishing of the stomach, spleen, and lung. It is pungent cold dispersing of the yang channels: tai yang, yang ming, shao yang. It saves yin and blood by clearing heat.
Shi gao clears stomach heat and lubricates exhausted fluids. Often used together with shi gao in patterns of empty heat due to its moistening nature.
Zhi mu, Anemarrhenae rhizome is bitter draining of heat in the stomach and lungs. It is sweet nourishing of fluids of the stomach, lungs, kidneys, and heart. It clears deficiency heat to preserve the yin blood of liver and heart, for only when yin blood is sufficient can the yang mind be controlled and pacified. It clears the heat in the jue yin liver and pericardium channels.
Geng mi, Semen Oryzae is sweet nourishing and warm. It adds material to anchor yang and support nutritive in blood.
Geng mi tonifies the middle qi and protects the stomach from the cold effects of other herbs like shi gao. It also generates fluids and so is used in patterns of dryness.
Geng mi is used in the Shang han lun to regenerate fluid loss due to heat as seen in formulas like mai men dong, zhu ye shi gao tang.
Ren shen, Ginseng radix is used here to replace lost fluids. Ren shen generates tai yin fluids to replace what is lost due to excessive sweating.
Ren shen is sweet tonifying and nourishing of the spleen, lungs, heart, and kidney. It nourishes yin fluids and therefore is the foremost qi and yin tonic.
The yin fluids from ren shen moderate excessive movement by anchoring yang with yin. It raises the original qi and gathering qi. It strengthens righteous qi and righteous qi is also called true qi and is a combination of original qi and gathering qi. All are dependent on the qi of shao yin and tai yin. Which in turn are dependent on the jue yin and shao yang for the ministerial fire in all three burners.