Gui zhi jia shao yao sheng jiang ge yi liang ren shen san liang xin jia tang
gui zhi 9 bai shao 12 sheng jiang 12 da zao 6 zhi gan cao 6 ren shen 9
When after the promotion of sweating, there is generalized pain, and a pulse that is sunken and slow, gui zhi jia shao yao sheng jiang ge yi liang renshen san liang xin jia tang governs.
This is a version of gui zhi tang with higher doses of bai shao, and shang jiang with the addition of ren shen.
Gui zhi tang treats an external tai yang wind strike deficiency pattern but now there is more loss of fluids due to sweating or a precondition of dryness and weakness that needs to be treated.
Gui zhi, Cinnamomi cassiae ramulus is pungent sweet and warm dispersing of the imperial and ministerial fire. It warms and tonifies the shao yin and jue yin. In doing so it warms and tonifies the whole body.
Wind is a yang climatic qi and as such dries the yin on the surface leading to a loss of anchoring of yang. The yin of bai shao and da zao is needed to replenish the yin but the yang must be replaced with gui zhi to restore the balance of yang in yin.
Bai shao, Paeoniae radix lactiflorais sour, bitter and cool. It is sour collecting of yin fluids and blood. It is bitter descending of heat. It nourishes dryness in yang ming and the jue yin. It descends Earth and Metal and calms Wood wind.
The bai shao treats the pain due to drying of fluids and ren shen revives the pulse due to a loss of qi. Bai shao replenishes the nutritive ying qi layer and clears deficient heat while moistening tendons and muscles.
Sheng jiang, Zingiberis rhizoma recens is pungent dispersing of the liver and pericardium blood and the ministerial fire in the san jiao. Sheng jiang is pungent dispersing of dampness and cold in the stomach domain, spleen and lung. Sheng jiang is pungent connecting of the tai yin with the tai yang. It supports raising of the clear qi to the chest and the 100 vessels.
Sheng jiang is pungent warm dispersing and is supporting gui zhi in warming the interior and surface.
Da zao, Jujubae fructus is sweet tonifying and moderating. It tonifies and nourishes the stomach domain, spleen, lungs, and heart. It directly nourishes the shao yin heart.
Gui zhi, da zao and zhi gan cao tonify and nourish the heart. Da zao calms excessive movement of Wood wind.
This formula treats pain that arises from a lack of yang qi and proper circulation. The dose of the da zao and zhi gan cao has been lowered to shift the focus to the tai yang, tai yin and shao yin systems.
Zhi gan cao, Glycyrrhizae radix pre is sweet tonifying and nourishing of all organs but especially the heart.
Zhi gan cao is sweet and mildly warm tonifying and nourishing of yin fluids. It nourishes yin fluids in the tai yin and shao yin. It calms wind in the jue yin.
It balances the pungent gui zhi and sheng jiang with its sweet moderation and nourishing.
Ren shen, Ginseng radix is sweet tonifying and nourishing of the spleen, lungs, heart, and kidney. It nourishes yin fluids and therefore is the foremost qi and yin tonic.
The yin fluids from ren shen moderate excessive movement by anchoring yang with yin. It raises the original qi and gathering qi. It strengthens righteous qi and righteous qi is also called true qi and is a combination of original qi and gathering qi. All are dependent on the qi of shao yin and tai yin. Which in turn are dependent on the jue yin and shao yang for the ministerial fire in all three burners.
Ren shen tonifies qi and yin of the lungs and heart. The tonification of qi will strengthen the heartbeat, while the tonification of yin will nourish the blood and clear deficient heat.